
Our aim is to show all relevant information about Degussa and our branches. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Degussa offers the media various photographs of our products for downloading. They are to be used in connection with press releases linked to Degussa and are free of rights. The worldwide copyright is owned by Degussa.

Degussa grants access to all press releases relating to new products, cooperations and  the business activities of Degussa. The information is ready to be reused freely.

Here you can read the articles that have been published about our company in the press.

Our market reports shed light on all the important aspects of investing in precious metals. Every month we show the current figures and developments that are important for the safe and value-preserving investment of precious metals.



Degussa Metales Preciosos S.L.U.

Tomás Epeldegui
Calle de Velázquez 2
28001 Madrid
+34 91 19 82 900

Welcome to the new Degussa website

You have come to the right place. After many years of good experience, we have decided to redesign our website. We are pleased to present you our new website. All services are still available in the same scope.

Your Degussa Goldhandel Team

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